Shibu John Shibu John

How to maximise your borrowing capacity

When lenders assess your borrowing capacity, they look closely at your fixed expenses as well as monthly living expenses. While it might not be easy to reduce all your costs, it’s worth examining some of your ongoing expenses that you can potentially trim.

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Shibu John Shibu John

4 Things to Do to Improve Your Credit Score

One of the most important and often overlooked steps is to make sure you have a solid credit score. A credit score is a number that represents how you’ve managed debt in the past.

Every time you apply for credit it impacts your credit score, however, when you do things right – like pay your bills on time – it helps lift your rating.

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Shibu John Shibu John

5 Ways to Pay Off Your Mortgage Sooner

When buying a home, to live in or as an investment, most people will have the goal of eventually paying it off. A 30-year loan might seem like a long time to be making repayments, but you won’t be stuck paying interest if you’re able to pay it off sooner.

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Shibu John Shibu John

How to Buy a Home at Auction

One of the key differences between buying at auction or buying using a private treaty is that a sale at auction is unconditional. That means, as a buyer, you’re not able to add conditions such as subject to finance or subject to a building and pest inspection. Therefore, you need to be prepared and organised when the time comes to make a bid at auction.

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